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To select proper employee an dto to receıve hıgh performance from each of them is becoming a serious systematic approach for companies. Employee is the most important resource of organization. To have maximum benefit, the system must be well defined & designed to evaluate the qualification and performances of each employee.

Dynamia serves you very simple and practical paths, workflows to set up a crystal system. Without waste of time, focus of team members will be on assigned works to complete on time.

Dynamia covers all human resources steps starting recruitment to retirement.

Planning is the process of thinking about and organizing the activities required to achieve optimum balance of requirements or demands with available resources. Planning covers the ignation and maintenance of a plan.

Planning is everywhere and for everyone. Setting up a goal and succeed in requires best expertise and participation of employees. Organization has to be aware of its resources and power to end on time.

Our software planning platform provides wide and flexible solutions to users to establish steps, relations, prerequisites, dependencies easily. Platform lets on time alerts to support authorized person to review and re-arrange the planning steps to have better executions.

Procurement is the process or the act of sourcing or obtaining services or goods for a business. This set of process is important because it has a direct impact on achieve goals and how much a business can save.

Vendor Portal of Dynamia provides a smart communication with vendors to minimize the time losses, misunderstandings, rejection rates. Each vendor will be a part of your company and use same platform of Dynamia.

Dynamia has an easy define and manage equipment tool to control all equipment. Investment approaches, performance evaluations idle times, cost of each of them, life-cycle estimations are some basic examples of sotware’s equipment tool features.

Although maintenance is a total of spending process, it is a cost saving activity of a company. You pay to save. A well defined and reqular maintenance system adds values to goals and savings end the end.

Maintenance module of our software identifies each step of maintenance very clearly to everone to cause additional time losses and to ensure the good would be active on planned time.

Business finance is an art and science. The finance system is effectful to keep a business operating smoothly without running out of cash and to make a schedule for incomes and payments for the future of company.Finance stands on accounting, but while accounting is mainly descriptive, finance is active, using accounting information to manifest tangible results.

Finance is the accumulation point of all other activities of business enterprise. On time reaction is the happiness of all related parties. Dynamia finance work simultaneusly with other modules to support them and to incearse satisfaction for all. As a part of planning, finance schedule pushes the organization not to cause any failure and unhappiness.

Documentation is major part of executing of any activities. All work descriptions should be documented and distributed properly for related parties execute the activities. Creation, launching and maintenance of any document must under control not to let undesired activity execution. Smart desing of Dynamia allows any employee to use approved, latest version of document. Any type of document will be ready whenever one needs them.

Report creation tool lets any report to be prepared periodically.

Archieving System allows traceblity of any soft copies of documents and records.

Quality Control is the point to check satisfaction of any activity, product, service, etc. It is the matching process of desired and output.

The qualification of quality person has direct effect on activity execution. During and at the end of any activity all described

Inventory system of Dynamia allows anyone to monitor real status of any goods and let to find the location of them easily. Storage periods, storage conditions, cost, maintenance requirements, shipment schedule, handling and transportation methods and more are all Dynamia’s scope to guide employee to take actions on time.